06 February 2012

bilik mandi dan jam


idea baru yang muncul bila tengok gambar ni ialah
letakkan jam kecil dalam bathroom
supaya tak berangan lama sangat dalam bilik mandi bila nampak jam dah lewat nak bersiap!



  1. yeah, i thought about this too! sbb kdg tgh syok2 dlm bilik mandi tu slalu duk fikir pkul brp la skg.. ntah da lmbat ke kan..yela, pmpuan kan mandi lama..ntah apa yang dibuat pun xtau la.. =p

  2. good idea for bathroom deco.tapi yang pelik with westerners they place rugs @ carpet on the floor and towels on the toilet bowl which i think is not hygiene.especially for us the muslims.juz an opinion.and wall clock is more suitable coz u need to put the clock a distance to make sure it survive in the humid environment or find the small clock thats specialized for use in bathroom..all the best with ur deco deco!
