27 March 2014

Bilik Ziyad : Ini semua poyo.. color psychology konon...

Pada mulanya saya mmg sgt2 nervous.. apatah lagi bila dapat feedback from family members kata warna ni 'panas'. kenapa tak ambik biru yg sinonim dengan anak lelaki?

saya tahu, warna akan mempengaruhi mood & personality. pernah juga dengar pasal terapi aura warna. jadi, masa dalam dilema nak pilih warna bilik Ziyad, saya adalah baca-baca sikit pasal pemilihan warna utk toddler.


"Warna yang paling disukai Rasullullah S.A.W adalah hijau" 
- Anas bin Malik (Shahih Jami'ush-Shaghir 4623).

An uplifting color that reinforces self-esteem and encourage hope. Is the easiest color on the eyes and can actually improve vision. Symbolizes nature, youth and balance, making green a great color for kids whose nurseries stay their rooms through their teen years. You never have to repaint!

 This calming, natural color has a soothing impact on a child. Scientists have also found that green may improve a child's reading speed and comprehension. There's no need to keep this anxiety-reducing color to a minimum. (source)

Those who love the color green are often affectionate, loyal and frank.  Green lovers are also aware of what others think of them and consider their reputation very important. (source)
Hijau, si penyejuk mata. pernah dengar dalam talk untuk penjagaan & penyegaran mata, pandanglah kehijauan alam. since ibu & ayah Ziyad dua2 pakai spec, tinggilah harapan kami agar Ziyad tak perlu pakai cermin mata. owh anak, silalah makan carrot banyak2.. hahaha..

emm.. improve reading speed & comprehension.. rasanye semua mak bapak nak!


Orange. Largely underused, orange is perhaps one of the most misunderstood colors in the paint deck. This warm, friendly and youthful color is actually great for children since it's said to encourage confidence, extroversion and independence. The social nature of this color also puts children and their friends at ease, inspiring communication and cooperation. (source)

Today Orange is still widely used all over the world for both children's toys and clothes, and perhaps this is because the colour Orange has been proven to improve oxygen supply to the brain, which in turn can increase awareness and mental stimulation in children and adults alike. (source)

Ziyad anak sulung, cucu sulung. nenek jaga. takde kanak2 sebaya dalam persekitaran seharian dia. jadi, kehidupan sosial dia agak terhad. jadi, saya fikir secara psychology color2 ini akan membantu utk dia develop communication skill dan self-confidence.

saya agak yakin dengan color ni akan beri 'energy'. since bilik ni tak guna sbgai bedroom lagi, jadi tak salah rasanya mencuba color psychology ni.. nanti kalau Ziyad dah start tidur dalam bilik ni, baru kita cari lagi warna2 yang akan membantu utk dapatkan tidur yg berkualiti & merehatkan minda.

Feature wall color hijau & orange. untuk bahagian wall yang lain, saya cat color hijau. so, dalam bilik ni, warna hijau adalah lebih dominant.

itu jelah reason kenapa saya come out dengan color cenggini. At least bila dia dah besar nanti, tengok gambar dan dia rasa bilik dia hodoh, tak rock & trendy (maklumlah bila tiba zaman remaja, perasaan rebel tu pasti ada), saya akan bagi reason ni.

"anak, ibu dengan ayah bukan saja2 pilih color yg awak rasa hodoh ni. ibu & ayah pakai color psychology siap matching dengan awak punye characteristic, tahu? sila nangis terharu!"

Poyo kan? color psychology konon...


  1. bagi su warna sangat cantik/banyak aura tenaga

  2. Kalau purple lavender apa pulak verdict dia? Heheheh..

  3. suker je...rs cm masam2 vitamin c...same like my mom la..colour psycho gak...cat oren kat dapur...katenye kaler oren dpt menaikkan selera makan...rumah my mum pelik ckit..dapur oren...ruang tamu kuning...featurewall tv mint green...bilik pun kaler lain2...but creative u wat cm ni...
